Disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports in America right now. It’s a dynamic sport that is just as fun to watch as it is to play. It is suitable for all ages and makes a great family day out.
During a round of disc golf, you will be required to carry around at least 12 discs per person participating. This can get tricky very quickly. Particularly, if you are playing with little ones.
So, how can you make the task easier? Well, take a leaf out of the professional’s books and get yourself a disc golf cart.
These carts are typically made up of a detachable backpack that can carry 15+ discs and a 2-4 wheeled all-terrain cart.
If you have no idea where to start when looking for your new disc golf cart, then look no further. Here are the 5 best disc golfing carts currently on the market.
Best Disc Golf Carts
1. Dynamic Discs Backpack Disc Golf Cart [Transit]
Our number #1 choice is the Transit Backpack Golf Cart from Dynamic Discs. You will see a few other products by Dynamic Discs on this list, as they are one of the leading companies in the sport right now.
The Transit Cart can hold up to 25 discs in its waterproof backpack compartment. And the cart can hold a total of 300lbs. It can also double as a seat during tournament play. When the seat is flipped there is easy access to the disc storage compartment.
The cart itself is made from stainless steel. Parts of the cart’s frame are coated with waterproof black paint, while other parts have a clear waterproof coating. The backpack is also waterproof and comes in 5 different colorways.
The cart comes with two raised, all-terrain wheels. These are perfect for all types of courses. While we would prefer the cart to have three wheels, these two are large enough to cope with most difficult ground. Another area that the wheels are lacking in is the fact that they have no mudguards. While the rest of the cart is raised high rough for this not to be a problem, it will splash the user occasionally.
The undercarriage of the cart is large enough to store a crate of beers or a large picnic basket. This makes it a great investment as you can use it on days when you aren’t playing disc golf.
The other small issue that we have with this cart is that it does not come with a built-in umbrella mount.
- Can hold 25 discs
- Sturdy metal frame
- Can hold up to 300 lbs
- Can double as a seat
- The frame has a waterproof coating
- Backpack made of waterproof materials
- Raised, all-terrain wheels
- Only two wheels
- The handle can be uncomfortable
- No mudguards
- No umbrella mount
2. KVV 3 Wheel Foldable/Collapsible Disc Golf Push Cart
If you’re looking for a lightweight handcart that does the job without any extra bells and whistles then look no further than the KVV 3 Wheel Foldable Push Cart. This is a cart that can double as a golf cart and a disc golf cart – so you don’t have to choose between the two.
This is a simple cart that comes with universal backpack hooks, so you can attach a backpack of your choice. Unfortunately, this does not include a backpack or storage compartment like the other options on this list.
The design of this cart really favors the serious player. If you are looking to play competitively or are taking to the green for a serious day of amateur competition then this is the cart for you.
This comes with three key accessories – a cup holder, a scorecard holder, and an umbrella mount. It also comes equipped with a very effective foot brake for maximum control no matter the terrain.
The frame of this cart is a mixture of lightweight metals and plastics. The same goes for its three wheels which are mounted on ball bearings to help them cope with any terrain. Sadly, these wheels do not come with any mudguards.
The KVV can be folded down in less than a minute, making it ideal for anyone who travels a lot to play disc golf. It takes up very little space in the car, and at home. Its waterproof coating means that it is easy to clean down at the end of a round on a wet day.
If you already have a backpack you love, but are looking to upgrade your cart then look no further.
- Cup holder
- Scorecard holder
- Umbrella mount
- Universal hooks
- 3 lightweight wheels
- A mixture of plastic and metal frame
- Foldable (and easy to transport)
- Can double as a golf caddy
- Foot Brake
- The backpack must be brought separately
- No mudguards
3. Dynamic Discs Backpack Disc Golf Cart [Compact]
Cart number #3 is the second Dynamic Discs cart we’ve talked about today. And for good reason. Dynamic Discs are doing some of the most innovative work in the world of Disc Golf at the moment.
While the DD Compact is similar to the DD Transit in some ways, it doesn’t quite reach its giddy heights of cart perfection.
Between its three waterproof pouches, the DD Compact can hold up to 15 discs. However, if you wish to carry anything else with you then you might have to sacrifice 4 of those disks.
Like the DD Transit, this cart can handle up to 300 lbs of weight and doubles as a seat. Where the DD Transit only offered one bottle holder, the DD Compact offers 2. What it does not offer, however, is an umbrella mount.
It comes with similar wheels to the DD Transit. They are also tubeless, rubber wheels. They are large enough to keep the rest of the cart away from muddy splashback, however, the wheels do not come with mudguards.
Unlike the DD Transit, this cart comes with a nicely padded handle that rotates 51 degrees. It also comes with a counterweight at the back of the cart that offers an unrivaled amount of stability. Meaning you don’t have to worry about it blowing over on a wet and windy day. On days like that, you already have enough to worry about.
- Can hold 15 discs
- 3 Waterproof compartments
- Tubeless, all-terrain wheels
- Padded handle
- Doubles as a seat
- 2 cup or bottle holders
- The counterweight on the back of the cart
- No mudguards
- No umbrella mount
4. Ray Cook Disc Golf RCX-4 Wheel Push Cart
Our fourth cart is another cart that can double as a golf and disc golf cart. It comes with universal hooks that will allow you to attach a backpack of your choice to it.
This card has many great features. It is made of aluminum which has been given a waterproof coating across the whole frame. It has a back friendly padded handle. And even comes with an umbrella mount. It’s quick to fold down and easy to transport. It is also easy to clean.
The main floor with this cart is its fourth wheel. You may be forgiven for thinking that a fourth wheel is a good idea. However, this wheel is not well designed, and significantly reduces the cart’s quality of movement. While this card could cope on smooth and steep surfaces. As soon as the ground gets bumpy or you enter the rough, you will struggle to move it.
Another problem we have with the wheels is that they don’t have any mudguards. That being said this would not move quickly enough through the mud to spray it anywhere, so it may not need any.
- Golf and disc golf friendly
- Universal hooks
- Foldable
- Lightweight
- Easy to clean
- Umbrella mount
- Padded handle
- Backpack not included
- The fourth wheel sometimes makes it harder to steer
- No mudguards
5. A backpack so good you won’t need a cart – Dynamic Discs Trooper Disc Golf Backpack
Our final choice is a little bit of a wild card – it’s not a cart, but a backpack that has so much to offer you’ll be able to take it out without the cart.
This is another product from the Dynamic Discs range. And is the perfect option for any younger players that don’t want to be tied down by a cart.
This backpack is lightweight, waterproof, and can hold over 18 discs. It has 4 separate waterproof compartments, and even comes with a drinks bottle holder.
It comes with wide, padded straps designed for all-day wear. The weight is well distributed across the back and torso and it is very comfortable to wear. The top compartment is large enough to carry 9 beers while allowing the main compartment to still carry over 18 discs.
The bottom of the bag was extra waterproofing, so you can store the bag on wet grass while you take your shots.
This backpack comes with a limited lifetime warranty from Dynamic Discs.
This backpack comes in 5 color options.
- Lightweight
- Durable
- Waterproof
- 4 compartments
- 5 colorways
- Can hold over 18 discs
- Drinks bottle holder
- Can be fitted to any Dynamic Discs cart
- Lifetime warranty
- Padded straps for comfort
- No wheels
- No umbrella mount
Buyer’s Guide: Best Disc Golf Carts and Backpacks for 2021
If you’re new to the world of disc golf then if you might be wondering why you need to invest in a disc golf cart. Most disc golf fans compare playing without a disc golf cart to trying to play golf without a club caddy. It’s possible but very difficult and not worth the hassle. Especially, when they’re a tool that can solve the problem for you.
When picking out your first (or next) disc golf cart, there are a few things you need to consider before purchasing one for yourself. We have put together the following series of questions to help you pick the perfect cart for your disc golfing needs.
Tubing Material
The first question you need to ask yourself is what you want your tubing material to be made from. The choice is often between plastic and metals like aluminum.
While aluminum tends to look nicer, it is less durable than plastic. It will also rust quickly if you live in a damp area of the country. Plastic is lighter, longer lasting, and won’t rust.
Detachable Backpack
Your second question is do you need a detachable backpack?
Some carts come with a fixed storage area, while others come with a backpack that can be removed from the cart.
A removable backpack gives you a lot of flexibility and is useful on days when the ground is too wet to use a cart. However, you may find that you only use the storage area when it is attached to the cart, in which case no backpack is needed.
Backpack or Storage Compartment Capacity
How much storage do you need on your caddy?
Beginners may benefit from a caddy that can carry more discs – as it is not uncommon to lose quite a few discs in the early rounds of your career.
You should be looking for a cart that can carry between 12-21 discs at a time.
Number of Wheels
How many wheels do you need on your cart?
Your answer will depend on the types of courses you intend to play on. It will also depend on the weather where you most regularly play.
Some courses are flatter than others, on these types of courses, you will be able to get away with only having two wheels. If you live in a damp area or play on steep, hilly courses then you need to be looking for a cart with three wheels.
Type of Tire
What types of tires do you need on your cart?
The majority of the metal bodied carts come with inflatable rubber tires. These are great tires for every type of terrain.
Plastic carts will often come with solid plastic wheels (more like skateboard wheels), these are fine on tarmac but often don’t fare well on more tricky ground.
Cup Holder + Umbrella Mount
Are you looking for a disc golf cart with accessories?
When picking your cart, accessories should not be your main priority. However, this will really improve your quality of life when out on the green.
The two accessories we recommend investing in are a large cup holder and an umbrella mount.
Do you need a disc golf cart with mudguards? If so on which wheels?
Mudguards are not necessary if you live in a dry region. However, if you live in a damp or humid (or both) region then you may want to select a cart with mudguards on its front wheel(s).
This will save you time when it comes to cleaning your cart after a game and will reduce the amount of mud that the cart flicks onto you.
Backpack Hooks
Does your cart need universal backpack hooks?
If you are looking to purchase a backpack and disc golf cart from the same company then you will not have to worry about this question.
However, if you are looking to mix and match brands, you will need to make sure that your cart is equipped with universal backpack hooks.
Our final question is do you want a foldable disc golf cart?
This answer will depend on how you wish to store your disc golf cart. And how you are planning to travel with it.
The majority of the plastic carts do not fold down and are therefore quite bulky. This is fine if you have the space in your boot to transport it and in your home to store it. If you do not have the space then you should consider purchasing a folding, metal cart.
FAQ: Everything You Wanted to Know About Disc Golf
Here are the answers to the questions that we get asked most frequently about Disc Golf.
Can children play disc golf?
Disc Golf is a sport that can be enjoyed by all ages. Children younger than the age of 6 may struggle to play the game due to the height of the baskets.
Do I need a disc golf cart?
While a disc golf cart isn’t 100% necessary it will make your life much easier. Think about trying to play golf without a club caddy.
Why do my discs hook left when I throw?
There are two reasons why your disc may be hooking left.
How you stand – the key to a straight throw is to have both your front foot and shoulder facing the target.
When you let go – if your disc is hooking to the left you may be letting go of it too late.
Are there professional disc golf competitions?
Disc Golf is one of the fastest growing sports in the US. The main professional disc golf tournament is the Masters’ Cup (Disc Golf). This is inspired by the Masters’ Cup which is the highlight of the golfing calendar.
The tournament is held annually in California, during the first weekend of May.