Hyzer vs Anhyzer

Disc Golf uses some pretty specific and unique terminology that can be difficult to get your head around when you first get interested in the sport. 

One of the most confusing areas of the sport for terminology is the different types of throws that players must learn to execute. 

There are 6 main types of throws in Disc Golf, and luckily, the first 3 are pretty self-explanatory. You have your backhand and forehand throws, of course, and you can also throw sidearm-style or overhead. 

The throwing styles that really throw (no pun intended) new Disc Golf players for a loop, however, are the hyzer and anhyzer. 

Today’s article will be dedicated to learning about and comparing these elusive throwing styles, getting to grips with the techniques, and learning about the best disc types for each throw! 

The Hyzer Throw 

What is a Hyzer Throw?

Let’s start with the hyzer throw. 

Fun fact of the day: a hyzer is a type of angle, named after sporting expert H.G. Hyzer in 1975. Hyzer was one of the pioneers of Disc Golf in its early days. 

The purpose of executing a hyzer throw is, primarily, to maneuver the disk around obstacles or angles in your course by creating a deliberately curved flight path, and it is defined by the angle at which you throw the disk. 

When throwing hyzer-style, otherwise known as the hyzer flip, you’ll want to throw with the top of the disk facing away from your body. 

How to Execute a Hyzer Throw 

Still with us? Great! Now it’s time to move on to the technique involved in the hyzer throw. 

Before you even think about throwing the disk you have in your hand, the first step to executing a successful hyzer throw is to get your stance right. 

Finding the perfect stance and center of gravity always starts with the feet. Once you have imagined your flight path in your mind’s eye, position your feet so that they are aligned with your intended flight path.

Bear in mind that if you’re left-handed, your hyzer flip will curve to the left. If you’re right-handed, your disc will curve to the right. 

Next, shift your weight ever so slightly over your toes. You don’t want to tilt yourself off balance, of course, but having your weight slightly forward will help you to get the right angle. 

Now, turn your focus to your disc. Make sure you’re holding it with the top facing away from your body at a 45-degree angle. You can adjust the angle more or less to increase or decrease the curve, but 45 degrees is a good angle to start with. 

Then, with a flick of your wrist, release the disc. The result (with practice) should be a curved, long-distance flight trajectory. Try to keep your throw low if you can.

Best Discs for Hyzer Throws 

If you want to execute a perfect hyzer throw or flip, you will need an understable disc

This works out well since understable discs are some of the best for beginners, so if you’re a newbie learning how to throw, you’ll be able to work with a beginner-friendly disc. 

‘Understable’ refers to the stability of the disc (the extent to which its construction impacts its flight path). An understandable disc directs more air over it than under, ensuring that they turn in the direction of initial spin, making it easier to plan and control your flight path. 

The Anhyzer Throw 

Now that you’ve mastered the hyzer throw, it’s time to take your learning to the next level with the anyhzer throw. 

The good news is that now that you have the hyzer under your belt, the anhyzer should come naturally to you in no time!

What is an Anhyzer Throw? 

The anhyzer throw is essentially the reverse of the hyzer. If you remember what we’ve learned about the hyzer throw, you’ll know that the hyzer involves throwing the disc at an angle with the top of the disc facing away from you. 

The anhyzer throw, on the other hand, requires you to throw the disc at the opposite angle, with the top of the disc aligned towards you. 

How to Execute an Anhyzer Throw

Throwing anhyzer-style involves much the same positional preparation as the hyzer throw, except that the direction will be opposite. 

As with the hyzer throw, make sure that both of your feet are aligned with your predetermined flight path. 

When you’re ready to throw the disc, hold it with the top of the disc tilted towards you. Again, start at a 45-degree angle for practice – you’ll instinctively learn how to adjust the angle to alter the curve. 

Unlike the hyzer throw, however, we would recommend throwing your anhyzer level with or above the shoulder for a longer trajectory. 

Release the disc with the same motion as you would use for the hyzer throw, and hopefully, you should be able to watch it smoothly curve to the right or the left, depending on your throwing hand. 

Best Discs for Anhyzer Throws 

Where a hyzer shot should be executed using an understable disc, the anyzer throw calls for an overstable disc. 

Overstable discs direct air underneath the disc as they travel through the air, rather than over them like understable discs. Overstable discs turn in the opposite direction to the initial spin of the throw. 

Final Thoughts 

If you’ve read all the way through this article, well done for sticking around! New techniques in any sport, including Disc Golf, can be a lot to learn, but you’re now one step closer to being a pro Disc Golf player! 

Depending on which hand is your throwing hand, how your course is laid out, and whether you’re throwing backhand or forehand, you’ll need to use anhyzer and hyzer shots at different points. Learning both throws will give you much more flexibility in terms of positioning and technique. 

Remember to keep practicing and get your hands on the right discs for each throw (understable for hyzer, overstable for anhyzer) for the best results.