A sidearm throw is a skill in disc golf that will considerably improve your game and make you a more versatile player. It’s not the easiest skill to master but once you do you’ll be able to use it for anything from approach shots to driving shots on the course.
Sometimes a backhand throw during a game will not suffice, so you’ll need to opt for a sidearm throw. However, not all discs are suited for sidearm throws and if you are more proficient in backhand throwing then you’ll probably have a selection of discs suited only for this purpose and not for sidearm.

So if you are looking to optimize your sidearm throw and also looking for some suitable candidates for certain mid-range, driving, or approach shots, then this best disc for sidearm article will bring you the best ones currently on the market.
Best Disc for Sidearm Product Reviews
Best Overall – Innova Champion Discs DX TeeBird Golf Disc
Flight Ratings: Speed 7, Glide 5, Turn 0, Fade 2
The Innova TeeBird golf disc is one of the most highly recommended options out there for sidearm throwers of all skill levels. It may not be the go-to choice for the pros as there are some better suited for experienced players, however, beginners will find themself drawn to this disc for the perfect glide and straight flight that it offers players.
The disc is very accurate in both upwind and downwind conditions and glides with lots of distance so beginner players with poorer technique will not be left behind on the course when finding their feet with disc golf.
No matter how soft or hard you throw the TeeBird, it’ll always fly straight and is recommended for players as a consistent fairway driver on the course.
The disc also comes with a wide range of colors that will suit a good range of player’s tastes.
The size range for the DX Teebird goes from 140-150gm up to 173-175gm so junior players will be able to find a suitable disc as well as professional adult players.
- Accurate – Makes it easier for beginner players to do well
- Good color range – Suits a variety of style preference
- Great for flex shots – Adds more distance to your drives
- Softer plastic – Less durable than firmer premium plastics
Innova Ricky Wysocki 2X Sockibot Stamp Star Destroyer Distance Driver Disc
Flight Ratings: Speed 12, Glide 5, Turn -1, Fade 3
This Star destroyer is one of the most famous sidearm distance drivers out there and gained its popularity from the disc golf champion Ricky Wysocki, hence why his name is now stamped on most of the destroyer discs. However, It flies a little more stable than a regular destroyer
The Ricky Wysocki destroyer comes in 4 wicker colors that will help you stand out on the course and also help you spot it during long-distance flights.
It’s a high-speed and high gliding disc but also has low-speed stability. It’s ideal for sidearm throwers and players with good power, but beginners may not find this is the best disc for them until they improve their skills.
The disc is available in varying sizes for a range of players and will be one that stays in your collection for years due to the durability of the plastic.
- High glide – Achieves maximum distances
- Large size range – Suitable for junior and adult players
- Bright colors – Ideal for all weather conditions
- Not entirely versatile – Only suitable for advanced players
Best For Advanced Players – Innova Champion Discs Blizzard Champion Boss Golf Disc
Flight Ratings: Speed 13, Glide 5, Turn 0, and Fade 3
If you’re looking for crazy distances, then this Innova Champion Blizzard will be the right guy for the job. The disc currently holds the Distance World Record at 863.5 feet so you’ll consistently achieve long-distance drives when throwing sidearm.
If you don’t have the proper arm speed, then this may not be for you, hence why we’ve recommended it for advanced or professional disc golfers. So if you’re a beginner, we’d recommend something a bit slower like the Innova Champion Wraith.
Despite being so lightweight, the plastic offers great durability and will be able to withstand misthrows or mistakes on the course with no damage to the disc.
- Durable – Will last you for years to come no matter how often you use it
- Consistent – Impressive long-distance drives every time you throw
- Lightweight – Less effort to throw and more comfortable to carry around
- High speed – Not suitable for low arm speeds (mostly beginner levels)
Innova Star Destroyer Disc Golf Paul McBeth 4X World Champion Distance Driver
Flight Ratings: Speed 12, Glide 5, Turn -1, Fade 3
If you’re in the market for a premium option for a disc that’s best for long distances, long hyzers, or headwind drives then you’ll want to consider this Innova Star Destroyer Paul McBeth disc.
The disc can handle any amount of torque that someone could put on it and is best for players with lots of power and experienced sidearm throwers. Beginners won’t get on with this when they’re learning the basics of sidearm.
It’ll take some practice and good confidence to nail this disc as it’ll need to be thrown hard as it’s so overstable and will bite hard quickly if you don’t rip it instantly.
You’ll have no trouble finding these discs on a course with tons of trees as the colors will stand out a mile.
However, the only issue is with being able to select the different weight ranges with this disc as many customers have had difficulty receiving the correct one.
- Luminous colors – Easy to find if you lose it
- Consistent – Can handle any amount of torque
- Versatile – Can be used with sidearm and backhand
- No option to select weight range – Seems there is only one size available
Best For Beginners – Innova Champion Discs Wraith Golf Disc
Flight Ratings: Speed 11, Glide 5, Turn -1 and Fade 3
Now if you’re a beginner to disc golf, you’ll need to find a disc that will give you good performance whilst also giving you leeway to improve your skills and to then gradually move up a grade with your discs to some higher speed ones that we’ve recommended.
It’ll allow even the most amateur players to achieve good distance with their sidearm throws and as it is also a stable flyer, it’ll do well in windy conditions so beginners won’t fall too hard behind in a game with friends.
It’s also very budget-friendly and can be used for both sidearm and backhand throws so you won’t have to break the bank just to play a round with your buddies.
The Wraith is super comfortable in the hand and will give a similar display of what the popular Destroyer flies like.
- Perfect for a beginners collection – Suitable for sidearm and backhand throws
- Very comfortable in the hand – Can play all day and learn quicker
- Achieves consistent distances – True beginners won’t be lagging in a game
- Cannot select the color you want – Not great for playing on various courses
Buyer’s Guide
What is a sidearm throw in disc golf?
Sidearm is a type of throw used in disc golf that requires the player to either stand in a straddle stance facing the target with the feet parallel facing the target and shoulder-width apart.
The grip for the sidearm is very similar to what you’d use for your backhand throw but instead, you curl the wrist outward.
You may often see the sidearm throw referred to as the forehand throw and it’s commonly used for a wide variety of shots but predominantly to execute long-distance accuracy.
Things to Consider
Discs will be available in different weights and will be suitable for different players and purposes. Lighter-weight discs will be able to throw and glide through the air easier than heavier discs.
Heavy discs should not be used by beginners who need a disc for accuracy and will only need to be used in windy conditions.
You may want to consider what type of plastic your disc is made from before buying. Different plastics can make the disc too hard or too soft which can affect its performance and also its durability.
The higher quality plastics used for a disc, the more expensive it will be, so if you’re only an amateur disc golfer who’s just finding their feet, it may be best to get some lower quality discs just in case the courses that you plan on have lots of obstacles like rocks or trees that could damage or break your disc if you misthrow.
As well as the flight ratings for a disc, the manufacturer should also mention the plastics used and how it affects performance in the product description of their discs.
If you’re a beginner at disc golf, you’ll need to find a disc that will allow you to throw sidearm with poor technique and lower arm speeds but still achieve a sweet flight. Generally, beginners should look for a disc that has a lower speed rating and a more unstable rating for their sidearm disc.
Those who are more experienced may have learned more about what flight ratings suit their power and style of play so will have a more varied choice of what disc they get.
What do the flight ratings mean on a disc?
If you’re a seasoned disc golf player, then you’ll be familiar with the flight ratings that come with disc golf, however, if you’re only a beginner in the sport you may be confused as to what all the numbers mean.
The criteria for flight ratings are split into 4 different categories including glide, speed, fade, and turn. These ratings will allow the user to know what kind of disc they should be using for their skill level and also for the play situation they are in at that moment in the game.
The glide number represents how much the disc will float or glide through the air at the beginning of the flight (the part with the most momentum). They are measured on a scale of 1 to 7, with those on the higher end of the scale being the ones that glide for long distances when being thrown in the air.
Discs with a higher glide rating are best for beginners players as they’ll allow them to achieve long distances. However, in high wind conditions, you’ll want a disc with a lower glide rating to achieve a more accurate finish.
Speed is how fast the disc can cut through the air and is measured on a scale of 1 to 14. You can also interpret the speed rating as the amount of power needed to throw the disc in the air so it has a successful flight.
The closer the number is to the higher end of the scale, the more power it’ll require to be able to throw the disc successfully.
Higher disc speeds are not recommended for beginners to disc golf as they’ll require more power to fly the disc accurately.
Fade is how far a disc will hook to the left for normal throws, but in the circumstance of sidearm throws, this is how far a disc will hook to the right as the disc begins to slow down.
Fade is rated on a scale of 0 to 5 and the lower the number, the straighter the disc will finish at the end of the flight, whereas the higher the number is to the upper end of the scale, the harder it will hook to the right at the end of its flight =.
High-rated fade discs are normally used for skip or spike shots during play.
The turn rating measures how much the disc will fly to the right early on in the flight when thrown backhand. However, as you’ll be throwing sidearm, this will measure how much your disc will turn to the left early on.
It’s measured on a scale of +1 to -5 but is normally referred to as three things: overstable, stable, or understable.
Overstable is numbered +1 or 0, stable is 0 to -2, whilst understable is -2 to -5.
These ratings may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and whilst two different discs may have the same turn rating, they may fly at different stabilities. It’s always best to check on the product description to see how each disc will fly.
Frequently Asked Questions
When do you use a sidearm throw in disc golf?
Sidearm can be used for a wide variety of shots in disc golf and can be used whenever at the discretion of individual players. Most players will use sidearm as a driving choice to achieve maximum distance and it’s also preferred by right-handed players who need to finish right instead of left and the sidearm will allow them to do this.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where a backhand throw is not going to cut it, then the next best option is to use a sidearm throw, just make sure you don’t throw it too high or too low across your body.
Are these discs good for anything else but throwing sidearms?
Yes, some sidearm discs can also be used for backhand throws as most have a low profile and are either stable to overstable so should be able to fly straight.
How do sidearm throws affect your disc?
A sidearm throw means your disc will fade in the opposite direction than it would if you were to throw backhand. Sidearm throws will require more wrist action to generate the power and speed, however, this will also result in more wear and tear on the disc.
How to better your sidearm throw in disc golf?
One way to better your sidearm throw in disc golf is to adjust your grip. Your grip may be too loose on the disc which will result in it wobbling when you release it from your hand. If this is the case then you should tighten your grip to ensure it gets enough spin and a clean rotation to get enough speed so it won’t wobble when you release it.
Go back to basics and try and master your sidearm with short distance shots, this will allow you to adjust and perfect the angles of your throws and also your stance which can then build up to improving your long distance throws.
How many discs can you carry with you in disc golf?
To play disc golf, you’ll need 3 kinds of discs with you at all times, a driver, a mid-range, and a putter. However, when playing a round you’ll want at least 6 discs on you at all times (two of each type), although it is not uncommon for players to carry 10+ discs with them on a course.
It’s completely up to you how many you carry with you. Many people will carry their favorites but also bring along some discs that they’re trialing out.
In tournaments, there isn’t a limit to how many golf discs you can bring with you, which is a contrast to the rules in a regular golf tournament. It’s a lot easier to lose a disc than it is to lose a club in golf, hence why there is no limit to how many you can bring on the course. In disc golf, the disc is the ball and the club so a limit makes no sense and would cause disruption to most games.